Photo of Alex Clarke holding a camera on a hanging bridge in Costa Rica

About Me

Geologist, educator, photographer, first aider, leathercrafter… I am a person of diverse interests and expertise. I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Johannes Gutenberg–Universität Mainz.

Primarily, I am a geologist who specialises in the tectonics of subduction zones and large fault zones. My research is focussed on understanding how the physical heterogeneity of rocks in large-scale fault and subduction systems influences the wider-scale tectonics and hazards. I take a highly holistic and multidisciplinary approach to my research, integrating field-based structural geology with petrology, rock mechanics, photogrammetry, and numerical modelling.

I also love to teach and I am interested in innovative and engaging methods of teaching earth sciences, both in the classroom and in the field. I am particularly interested in the opportunities and challenges presented by new technologies and how to balance teaching the traditional fundamentals with preparing students for the realities of modern geoscience.

My photography reflects my love of nature and the diverse forms nature can take. I therefore mainly photograph landscapes, rocks, flowers, insects, and wildlife. I aim to show with my photography the details and wonder hidden in our natural world. As a field geologist, my eyes are trained to notice subtle details in our natural environment and I try to share that experience through my photography.

In my remaining time, I volunteer as an Advanced First Aider for St John Ambulance and am a hobbyist leathercrafter.


Vannucchi, P.*, Clarke, A.P., de Montserrat, A., Ougier-Simonin, A., Aldega, A. & Morgan. J.P. A strength inversion origin for non-volcanic tremor. Nature Communications, 13, 2311.

Clarke, A.P. & Vannucchi, P. 2020. Structural anisotropy: Using image analysis to quantify block-in-matrix fabrics. Journal of Structural Geology, 131, 103939.

Clarke, A.P. 2018. Heterogeneous Input in a Subduction System & Its Effect on Plate Boundary Processes: Structural Analysis of the Osa Mélange, SW Costa Rica. Doctoral thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Clarke, A.P., Vannucchi, P. & Morgan, J. 2018. Seamount chain–subduction zone interactions: Implications for accretionary and erosive subduction zone behavior. Geology, 46, 367–370.

Clarke, A.P., Vannucchi, P., Ougier-Simonin, A. & Morgan, J. 2017. Strong Matrix & Weak Blocks: Evolutionary Inversion of Mélange Rheological Relationships During Subduction and Its Implications for Seismogenesis. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA.

Professional History

  1. Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)

    December 2023 – present. Johannes Gutenberg–Universität Mainz, Germany.

  2. Lecturer (Teaching)

    May 2021 – August 2023. University College London, UK.

  3. Visiting Lecturer

    August 2019 – June 2020. Royal Holloway University of London, UK.

  4. PhD — Heterogeneous Input in a Subduction System & Its Effect on Plate Boundary Processes: Structural Analysis of the Osa Mélange, SW Costa Rica

    September 2014 – November 2018. Royal Holloway University of London, UK. Supervised by Prof. Paola Vannucchi.

  5. MGeol Geology — First Class (Honours)

    September 2010 – July 2014. University of Leicester, UK.

Follow Me

I’m Alex Clarke

Geologist, educator, photographer, first aider, leathercrafter… I am a person of diverse interests and expertise.

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Johannes Gutenberg–Universität Mainz. My research focusses on the tectonics of subduction zones and understanding how the physical heterogeneity the plate boundary interface influences the wider-scale tectonics and hazards. I also love to teach and am interested in innovative and engaging methods of teaching earth sciences, both in the classroom and in the field.

I am also a hobbyist nature photographer and my images highlight the hidden wonder and diversity of our natural world. In my remaining time, I volunteer as an Advanced First Aider for St John Ambulance and am a hobbyist leathercrafter.